Desert Drone - Use And Abuse (V23)


'Use And Abuse' is the latest release by Italian-born, Berlin-based noice harasser Desert Drone. Pulling from elements of harsh noise, hard techno and industrial, Desert Drone isn't content with respectfully adhering to well-trodden genre conventions, instead 'Use & Abuse' seeks to push those sounds further, mutating and contorting them, creating a truly ferocious, uninhibited noise. Volcanic, coruscating waves of blown out noise collide against torrents of thunderous, jackhammering rhythm, everything pushed beyond the limits into ecstatic filth. There's no subtlety or ambiguity about 'Use & Abuse', this is nothing short of a frenzied, beat-driven, sadistic noise assault that will leave the listener battered and blissfully delirious.

Digital available via Bandcamp.

More Desert Drone here

Released October 25th, 2023. Venalism V23.

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